Check your spam/junk folder if you are not receiving PTO emails
Only paid PTO members receive emails


We look forward to working with you all in providing an amazing school year for our children!


Your 2024-2025 PTO Board Members

Melissa Case

Eileen Steffen

Stephanie Diani

Catherine Lu

Megan O'Reilly

Cari Balderama



PTO Membership For 24-25 Is Now Open!

Find open forms at My Account --> Information and Ordering


**Update your Family Information with new Grade/HR Teacher for 24-25 before completing any purchases (this information can be obtained in PowerSchool)**


Join Here 


Next PTO Meeting 

Date/Time: February 26th at 7:00PM (Date Change as of 1/21/25)

Location: EB Media Center 



Donations Close February 28th at 5PM

Donate Today:




Book Fair

Shop Online:

Volunteer Here:





Registration is Now Closed




Date Change Now Wednesday, 5/14

Register Here 








After School Clubs Are No Longer Run by the PTO

All inquiries should be sent to Robert Wright.


Register here:






Hot Lunch Orders For March Close 2/13

**Forms Close Thursday 2/13 at 11:59PM** 

Please watch the video prior to placing your first order: Video Tutorial to Place an Order

Need to change or have some other lunch concern, please email and cc the PTO 



Pizza Feb-June Closed 1/21/24

Ice Cream Orders Closed 9/13/24 @11:59PM

Pizza starts 9/19 and ends 1/30 (No pizza on Dec 5th)

Ice Cream starts 9/27 and runs for 28 Fridays


Pizza for second session starts 2/6 and ends 6/5



Box Tops




How: Scan receipts in the Box Tops app to earn money for East Brook
Why: Help others while also helping East Brook



For a full list of Box Tops eligible food items, click here:


Any questions? Email Jenna Russo at





We have some open chair and volunteer positions to fill for 2024/2025. If you are interested in volunteering to chair any of these programs or events, please email



Shop with Scrip


Create an account, use the enrollment code provided and shop for your favorite gift cards while supporting the East Brook School PTO!



Sign up today and use enrollment code: 4HUGVN1D8CVZ








12/23-1/1 - No School

1/10 - Park Ridge Spirit Day

1/17 - PTO Assembly

1/20 - No School

2/7 - Wear Red Day

2/14 - PTO Assembly

2/17-2/21 - No School

2/26 - *PTO Meeting 7PM* new date

East Brook Elementary School Calendar

Support Your Child's Classroom 


East Brook Teacher Wish Lists


Around Town and the Larger Community







You can contribute to the success of the East Brook PTO with your everyday purchases! See below.

    Shop with Scrip    

Purchase gift cards and support the East Brook PTO

Enrollment Code: 4HUGVN1D8CVZ

Box Tops for Education


Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile

 Shop on Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the East Brook PTO! 

Shutterfly Storefront

Shop on Shutterfly or Tiny Prints and 8% of your total purchase will be donated to the East Brook PTO

tiny prints - use code GIVETHANKS for 30% off any order and 40% of orders over $99