Picture Day


BNL visits East Brook each Fall to take individual and class pictures.  





Date: October 26, 2021



Chair: Emma Cassella


A flyer with details of the packages available for purchase will be sent home via backpacks once school begins. Picture packages can be ordered through the flyer or online.  


To pre-order your portraits online:



Sign in/Create an Account

Enter Login Code: 5A5V9P7


Photos will be taken outside but with a green screen so please make sure you select the desired background for your orders. 




If you have any questions pertaining to Picture Day, email Emma Cassella at emmacassella@outlook.com



12/23-1/1 - No School

1/10 - Park Ridge Spirit Day

1/17 - PTO Assembly

1/20 - No School

2/7 - Wear Red Day

2/14 - PTO Assembly

2/17-2/21 - No School

2/26 - *PTO Meeting 7PM* new date

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