Class Parents 


Grade Level Representatives and designated parent volunteers work closely with their classroom teachers to plan and facilitate class parties and activities. 


Volunteering to be a Grade Level Representative is a great way to positively contribute to your child's experience in the classroom, while building relationships with his/her teacher and other parents in the grade. 




Class Parent Coordinators: Lauren Capilli and Nichol Pierotti



Class Parents


1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
 5th Grade



 For more information, please contact Lauren Capilli at and Nichol Pierotti  at







12/23-1/1 - No School

1/10 - Park Ridge Spirit Day

1/17 - PTO Assembly

1/20 - No School

2/7 - Wear Red Day

2/14 - PTO Assembly

2/17-2/21 - No School

2/26 - *PTO Meeting 7PM* new date

East Brook Elementary School Calendar

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