Ice Cream Fridays

Treat your child to Ice Cream Day Fridays throughout the year, and help support the PTO!






Chair: Nicole Giordano




Ice Cream Fridays will be available throughout the year on 28 different Fridays depending on weather and volunteer availability.  An Ice Cream band must be purchased through the PTO's website in advance for $37.50 to receive ice cream. Sales close September 13, 2024.  No cash payments will be accepted, no refunds issued for absences and PTO membership is required for purchase.



12/23-1/1 - No School

1/10 - Park Ridge Spirit Day

1/17 - PTO Assembly

1/20 - No School

2/7 - Wear Red Day

2/14 - PTO Assembly

2/17-2/21 - No School

2/26 - *PTO Meeting 7PM* new date

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