Half-Day Snacks/Pizza Ordering closes (November/December)


Half-Day Snacks: On half days, when students are dismissed at 1pm, the children eat a light lunch/snack in their classrooms around 10.45 am.  On these days, the PTO offers parents the option to purchase bagels for their kids to eat during this snack time.  
November 21
December 21
Pizza: For Thursdays throughout the year, you can order 1-3 slices of delicious cheese pizza for your child(ren). 
November 1, 15, 29
December 6, 13, 20

Order Bagels/Pizza Now


Tuesday, October 23, 2018



4/15 - 4/19 - Spring Break/No School

4/30 - K-3 Spring Vocal Concert 9AM

5/1 - Art Show 3:30-5PM

5/2 - PTO Golf Outing and Dinner

5/3 - Spirit Day: Tie Dye

5/13 - STEM Fair

5/17 - EB PTO Bike Rally

5/22 - Spring Band Concert

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