
The simple act of joining the PTO provides instant financial support for our students —and provides you with access to the PTO Lunch Programs and with great discounts to PTO-sponsored events! It's also a great way to stay informed about what's happening at East Brook Elementary School, and connect in meaningful ways with other parents.

Together we can do a lot of good. Join us!





If I join, do I have to?

  • Go to meetings?
    Nope.  Not Ever.  But we'd love it if you did - the more the merrier.  We are always happy to see new faces and we welcome new ideas!
  • Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school?
    Joining the PTO is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.  




4/15 - 4/19 - Spring Break/No School

4/30 - K-3 Spring Vocal Concert 9AM

5/1 - Art Show 3:30-5PM

5/2 - PTO Golf Outing and Dinner

5/3 - Spirit Day: Tie Dye

5/13 - STEM Fair

5/17 - EB PTO Bike Rally

5/22 - Spring Band Concert

East Brook Elementary School Calendar

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East Brook Teacher Wish Lists


Around Town and the Larger Community